
Technologies Case studies
Technologies Case studies
High Speed and High Efficiency

Southern Packaging had introduced China’s first newly wheel blow molding machine, matching with the newly imported high-speed automatic inspection line, which combined functions of bottle sorting, fully inspection and packaging. This line will ensure a stable quality performance and greatly reduce the labor cost.

High Precision and High Quality

All Rotogravure printing machines are equipped with an advanced computerized-controlled color registration system and online display system. This can ensure excellent quality in every print under the low film tension condition to provide the high speed printing with different flexible and paper materials. Among the printing machines, there is a few which has an electronic axle print that has the capabilities of high printing speed up to 200 meters per minute.

High Intelligence

Automatic inspection line, which combined functions of bottle sorting, fully inspection and packaging, together with the intelligent warehouse (AGV), first-class integrated logistics concept design is adopted. Through the advanced control, communication and IT application, various equipment actions are coordinated to achieve automatic operation and greatly reduce the labor cost.

临沂市| 大名县| 调兵山市| 威信县| 白水县| 额敏县| 任丘市| 乐东| 宜章县| 威海市| 木兰县| 北辰区| 株洲县| 沧州市| 兴山县| 科技| 巴南区| 平乡县| 德格县| 崇文区| 中山市| 海兴县| 屏南县| 丘北县| 衡水市| 兖州市| 灵石县| 嵊州市| 武胜县| 礼泉县| 方山县| 福鼎市| 祁东县| 府谷县| 温泉县| 清徐县| 吉安市| 夏津县| 湘潭市| 合川市| 临沧市|